My cousin Papa Soe is 19 years old and came four months ago to Yangon to work in a garment factory. She is the eldest daughter and must support her family back home and pay for the education of her younger sisters after the father died five years ago. It is difficult for her to divide her salary between the money for her family, for her own expenses and the rent for the boarding house. It will never last until the next payday. That is not her only difficulty. Most of the workers at the factory have the same problem. There are only 20 workers living in our boarding house and we often cook together. My cousin shares her room with two other girls. Before they have a place to sleep, they have to clear the floor. Her dream is that her little sisters will be educated persons as she herself had to leave school after third grade. She is proud that she is able to support her family. But one day she wants to live with them again.